BML Thursday: Meaningless Words and Action

Did you see the world celebrating International Women’s Day yesterday? It was silly. There are made up recognitions every day.  I think it was Pancake Appreciation Day earlier in the week. But this one, a day to recognize women (I recognize them every day), has been co-opted like any other gender related issue. Our First Lady and Secretary of State proved it with their courage award to a woman with a penis. Like the unicorn, such creatures don’t exist, not as women anyway. Piers Morgan had an interesting take on the day as well.

Here in the real world, Brevard school board members are suing each other as JJ Dynamite is going after board chair Matt Susin’s communication records. If he was dumb enough to use his personal phone for government business (and I have complete faith in how dumb he is), he may as well hand the phone over and save us all the trouble.  

In all of the first amendment fracas this week there is a sign that someone is listening. The Governor and Speaker of the House have come out against the French Interloper’s blogger registration idea. While we’re thinking Tallahassee, the RPOF Chair is saying good things and I want to believe him. Somehow I just can’t.

Florida Today’s John Torres will be joined by his wife, Jennifer, in today’s 8am hour. Jennifer, a reporter as well, covers technical issues and we’ll dive into Artificial Intelligence and its impact on our lives. We’ll also get the latest on the Crosley Green saga from John.

My kids loved Goosebumps books. R. L. Stein grabbed the imaginations of lots of kids with those scary tales. Like other classics, Goosebumps are under fire by the woke publishing world and Stein ain’t too happy about it. We find Goosebumps IN A HANDBASKET as we start our day.


The Waking of Goosebumps



International Women’s Day was meaningless

First Lady and SecState prove it

JJ Dynamite suing Board Chair Susin

Governor & Speaker are anti-Brodeur bill

DeSantis: speaking freedom, actions???

Lack of legislative leadership a problem

The RPOF: I want to believe him, but can’t


Florida Today’s John Torres

Are Crosley Green’s days of freedom numbered?

FL wants Crosley Green in Prison

Teachers using ChatGPT for lesson plans



3D-printed rocket launch scrubbed

More Brodeur shortsightedness

Left Journalist notes Dems squelching civil liberties (like FL R’s)

Schumer goes all Brodeur on Tucker Carlson

Ocala and the US Supremes- not the end of the world

Zonka to lead Brevard Health Department

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