
Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS. 

CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:

01.09.23- 15 Rounds - Many Concessions


It may have looked like the British Parliament for a moment, but the US House selected a Speaker early Saturday morning.


After a near scrap between Representatives Mike Rogers of Alabama and Florida’s own Matt Gaetz, the House finally settled on the inevitable Speakership of Kevin McCarthy.


It took 15 rounds, but it’s done.


The cool thing is conservative members saw their power when they had it and used it to wrangle concessions out of the incoming Speaker. 


If he keeps the agreement, we should see a more responsible House than we have seen in years!


It was our government working as designed. Vigorous debate followed by intense negotiation and consensus.


I, for one, am glad to see it.


Now, we see how it works out.

01.10.23- The Rise of the Empire


We began the day with Siesta Key begging to be allowed to incorporate, thinking it could govern itself better than the county has done.


Is another level of government really the answer? Will the additional expense and cost to the taxpayer result in a better life?


Siesta Key’s voters will have to decide.


The day closed with DAVE DOES HISTORY as Dave Bowman laid out a comparison of the Roman Republic and today’s United States.


The parallels are profound. The question here is whether we can learn the lessons of history.


Sadly, it’s a history we don’t really know. That lack of knowledge can hamper us in getting back the government we claim to want.


Is more, bigger government better? Most of us would think not.


We should look at history and learn its lessons to decide.


01.11.23- The Who Matters!


The Who, as in the people we elect not the rock group, matters.


We have seen it in Florida with Ron DeSantis. Could you imagine the Andrew Gillum administration? Save a Horse- Ride a Cowboy.


Arkansas is seeing the same thing we have in the early days of the Sarah Huckabee Sanders governorship. She took to executive orders to right some wrongs in her state and the legislature seems to be following suit.


The legislature in her state is taking action regarding drag shows. To protect children from inappropriate content, they are classifying these shows just like strip clubs and other adult entertainment.


I can see the good intention, but do have some concerns. If you remember Milton Berle, Flip Wilson or Monty Python…how would those performers be affected by this law?


Who is doing the governing matters. Our system lets us make those choices.


I hope we’re up to the task.

01.12.23- An Eye on Republicans


As always, we keep an eye on politics in general and Republican acts specifically.


I want Republicans to stop the stupid.


First, we have Senator Rick Scott trying to ride the coattails of his successor in the governor’s office, Ron DeSantis. Scott said DeSantis was simply following the agenda Scott had initiated in his terms in office. 




Ron DeSantis is clearly the leader who gets it. Rick Scott is still catching up.


Then we have a congresswoman floating a bill that would require Pete Buttigieg to fly commercial until the FAA’s recent woes are corrected.


That’s nothing but political grandstanding that will go nowhere. Stop it!


We elect members of congress to conduct the business of American government. 


It’s time they settle down and do just that!

01.13.23- Friday the 13th


Do you dread Friday the 13th? How about knocking on wood, throwing salt over your shoulder, not breaking a mirror or walking under a ladder?


With an ominous cloud over Friday the 13th, it got me thinking about superstitions and their origins. 


What brings these so-called beliefs about?


While many of them will be attributed to simpler or even less educated times, why do they live to this day?


I will, mostly in jest, knock on wood. 


I created my own superstitions as an athlete. I would not wash wrist bands in my basketball days as long as we were on a winning streak. If games and practices were going well, I’d keep wearing the same socks, again without benefit of the laundry. That one didn’t last long, thankfully.


Are some superstitions just routines that happen to work for us?


It’s up to us to make the best of every day…whatever it takes to make that happen!


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