The Week That Was

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Here’s a recap of the week…

BML Monday: You Get What You Ask For

…County Court Judge-Group 4 Candidate Interview

Our final candidate interview of the election season is at 7:25 this morning. Renee Torpy will join us as she seeks the County Court Judge-Group 4 seat. How I’m voting in the election will be revealed in tomorrow’s INSIDER COLUMN. It will post at noon. It’s a complicated ballot and I have included links to our interviews with EFSC’s Chris Muro on the amendments and ballot initiatives in play.

We’ll open the day with getting what you ask for. It’s happening to one “Defund the Police” councilman in Seattle. I have to admit it made me smile. Sometimes what you get is just what you deserve.

Our neighbor to the north has banned handgun sales and transfers. Justin Trudeau says Canadians have a right to feel safe. What he’s handed them is a false sense of security that could be deadly.

In our FLORIDA & BREVARD section we have posted a story from with a breakdown of Brevard’s ballot initiatives. It should be helpful as Early Voting in Brevard begins at 8am at ten locations around the county. Starting tomorrow, Supervisor of Elections Tim Bobanic will join us in our 7:42 segment on Tuesdays and Thursday’s through the election.

Let’s get the talk week started.

BML Tuesday: WOKE & Strange Bedfellows


Dealing with WOKEism has become a regular thing for many of us. The pervasive nature of a culture that says we must accept and believe any fantasy that someone dreams up causes confusion, twists reality and, interestingly enough, makes for alliances we may not expect. Before we go there, we’ll find where WOKE ideology has caused an Australian sports team to turn down millions of dollars in sponsorships, sponsorships that could have taken them out of the red. At least they’re committed, or maybe they should be.

In a debate that will likely mean little to any voter, Prime Time Charlie Crist faced off with Governor Ron DeSantis last night. While issues were in play, it was another game of gotcha moments and one-upmanship.

Supervisor of Elections Tim Bobanic will join us at 7:42 on this second day of early voting. Ten percent of Brevard’s eligible voters have already cast ballots in the General Election. We’ll talk the ins and outs of mail and early voting including common errors that voters make.

Our final hour brings Dave Bowman back with DAVE DOES HISTORY. We’ll see Dave’s Navy submarine experience in play with today’s look back at a WWII submarine incident. It goes something like this…

At 2:30am on October 25, 1944, USS Tang, one of the highest scoring US Submarines in the war, launched the final torpedo of her patrol. After attacking a convoy all through the previous evening, she was hoping to finish off one last ship before turning for home with a broom lashed to her periscopes.

The real horror of war is how many things can go wrong, usually with deadly consequences. As that last torpedo sped away from Tang, it held in its circuits and parts, flaws that had not yet been overcome, even as it had been rushed into production. As it cleared the stern tube of the vaunted Balao Class submarine, things instantly began to go wrong. The crew, led by one of the greatest submarine commanders ever, knew what to do and leapt into instant action.

Would it be enough to save their ship from the threat of a rogue weapon?

BML WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY: a New “Let’s Go Brandon”?

…Bill’s Votes

How do you handle self-checkouts? Do you use them at all? Did you get any training? IN A HANDBASKET we will learn that WalMart needs an employee training program…for customers.

Do we have the start of a new “Let’s Go Brandon”? Prime Time Charlie’s campaign has offered it up on a silver platter. It shows just how desperate the political chameleon’s campaign has become.

An Orlando LGBT group has cancelled its Drag Queen Story Hour because they don’t want to expose children and families to hate- yours! Governor DeSantis has been ordered to release the records related to the migrant flights to Martha’s Vineyard. Debates in Pennsylvania and New York took center stage last night and Vaccine Mandates took a hit in a New York courtroom.

My column revealing how I’m voting in this election posted at noon yesterday. We’ll discuss those picks and how we agree or differ as we have the opportunity on this WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY.

But, as with any WOW, where we go is up to you when you call the show. It the day where, if it’s on your mind, it’s on BML.

BML Thursday: The Next “Terminator” Star?

…SOE Tim Bobanic

Robot attack dogs, actual police dogs and the politics of life are in play today on BML. We’ll begin with what could be the star of the next Terminator movie- an armed, robot attack dog from China. With Elon Musk bringing us Skynet (Skynet, Starlink- same thing), who knows? It could happen!

We’ll move to a heart tugging controversy being ginned up by those who don’t know any better and think police dogs are pets. They are not. They are working dogs that are expensive and assets to their departments and the officers serving with them. A Cocoa Police K-9 handler is changing departments and people want the dog to “retire” and stay with its now former handler. The officer, a failed County Commission candidate, is showing no better acumen in office politics than he did in the commission race.

In other political news, it looks like Brevard public Schools and Florida Today have turned up the heat on their least favorite candidate for School Board. The administration seems to be dead set against anything close to a conservative majority on the board. Gene Trent is the target and the barbs are being fired at him. We’ll explore the situation in hour two of the show.

Supervisor of Elections Tim Bobanic will be with us at 7:42 as we look at the ongoing election and the misinformation battle their offices face.  

We did not finish the discussion of my votes (and yours) in the election. It looks like Ron DeSantis and Marco Rubio are pulling away from their Democrat opponents.

BML Friday: Inclusion, Energy & Elections

…Elon’s Twitter

As if we didn’t know, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus left an important detail out of its name. It’s actually the Congressional Liberal Hispanic Caucus. A Hispanic Republican has been denied entry into the group. Now who’s inclusive?

On the energy front, winter may bring a huge awakening to the alternative energy crowd. A story out of Germany gives us the lesson. Maybe the US can get ahead of the curve?

Tulsi Gabbard faced some expected skepticism when she left the Democratic Party. She still will, but the former Hawaii representative is walking the “not a Democrat” walk.

As this election season winds down it appears things are good for Republicans as long as their voters turn out for the party.

In Brevard, higher speed testing for Brightline will be happening in the central and northern parts of the county, the county commission is considering the towing rate hike again and early voting continues through the weekend.

At Twitter, Elon Musk is now in charge. He immediately fired senior management and has a vision for what he called the bird he’s freed.

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