The Week That Was

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Here’s a recap of the week…

BML Monday: Dimmer Switch-Turn Down the Sun

…Candidate Interviews Begin

When even Republicans buy into the man-made climate change nonsense, there is a question that lingers. What are we going to do about it? The latest from the Biden administration could be a STAR TREK episode, one with limited chances of success and the potential for doing more harm than good. Dimming the sun is IN A HANDBASKET.

While we begin candidate interviews this morning with the US House District 8 race, we’ll begin our day with some of the nonsense around elections…candidates. Specifically, losing candidates who like to whine that they were somehow cheated out of the job. It does the election security crowd no good at all and undermines actual efforts at election integrity. And the criticism was coming no matter what Governor Ron DeSantis did about voting after Hurricane Ian.

What do we as voters actually want? The answer may surprise you. Some voters in Oregon want to become part of Iowa. You'd think Oregon would want ‘em out.

Our candidate interviews begin with the US House of Representatives D-8 seat, currently held by Bill Posey. His opponent, Joanne Terry, is scheduled with us at 7:25. Bill is scheduled at 8:25.

Interviews for School Board D-2 and Country Court Judge Group 4 will be held Wednesday and Friday of this week.

BML Tuesday: Football, Pronouns & Politics


In some college football stadiums there are 100,000 fans. Can the universities be reasonably expected to control a crowd that won’t be controlled? The SEC thinks so and Tennessee is paying the price for fan actions after their BIG win over Alabama.

Pronoun use is front and center these days. One college professor has handled them perfectly. So far he’s facing no repercussions. Could he be in a protected class?

Florida Today detests Sheriff Wayne Ivey. It’s evident. That does not, however, keep them from asking a legitimate question between their wild speculation and politicking.

There are signs the Democrats are in trouble in November. It’s the same folks that abandoned President Trump and they are doing the same to the Dems. Oh, and Lyin’ Anthony Fauci is at it again. He says he had nothing to do with schools closing during THE RONA.

Dave Bowman is back with our weekly look at history as only Dave can do…here’s a preview:

If you were to ask one hundred Americans, "Who is the best American citizen of ALL time?" what do think the answer would be?

I've never done that, but my guess is the overwhelming answer would be George Washington. There is an almost worshipful quality that we take towards him, perhaps with some justification, as we have painted the act of his deification onto the ceiling of our Capitol Dome.

We have a corporate memory of him that fits both our need for the hero and our understanding of who we are as a people - perhaps flawed, but still morally strong.

Here's the question though, do we honestly believe that everybody who lived back then just loved and adored General Washington? Were there not... say... one, perhaps two people, who found him odious or even overbearing? James Madison is known to have disliked the Generals "coarse language" at times, but really, is there nothing worse thought of him, at all?

The obvious answer is that of course there were those who not only disliked Washington, but worse, didn't trust him. So why have we ignored them and their versions of our history?

It's eerily similar to O'Brien holding up four fingers and asking Winston Smith, "How many fingers do you see?" The answer is five...


…School Board D-2 Candidates

Whether city leaders get it or not, business owners understand when a downtown is failing. They are in the first round of victims. So, could businesses bailing out of an area be a predictor of certain doom to come? We’ll call it the Starbucks Scale and it’s IN A HANDBASKET.

Does your dog think you’re stupid, or even understand the concept? If you dog’s a female, she very well may. Maybe it’s a gender specific skill!

Losing soccer moms was bad news for President Trump. Could the same group now be doing the same favor for the Democrats? It looks that way,

Marco Rubio and Val Demings faced off in their only debate last night. It was pretty much what was expected and very contentious. Is anyone actually swayed by these productions? 

We have invited School Board D-2 candidates to appear on today’s show. Erin Dunne has not replied to our invitation. Gene Trent will be here at 8:25.You’ll have the information you need and you’ll make the call.

Before that interview it’s WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY. What’s on your mind?

BML Thursday: Schools, Rules & Fools

…Florida Today’s John Torres

It’s not just Starbucks. In a move certain to devastate folks along the eastern seaboard WAWA is closing in Philadelphia. While the over-hyped convenience store ain’t all it’s cracked up to be, that won’t stop the wailing when this icon of the east is no longer available.

IN A HANDBASKET today we have a follow-up to the New Hampshire girls’ volleyball team translete story. A father of one of the girls has been punished for trying to protect his daughter.

Closer to home, Florida teachers are whining that they could lose their licenses if they violate the new laws regarding education. This one is simple. Don’t violate the law and they’ll have no worries.

An ABC reporter resigned and has not been heard from since the FBI raided his home. It appears to be government weaponized against the press. But, all the details are not available to us and ABC, the news arm of The Mouse House, isn’t talking.

Florida Today’s John Torres joins us at 8am. We’ll get his take on the media story, the upcoming election and more.

BML Friday: Poor Planning- Expected Results

…County Court Judge -Group 4 Candidate Interview

It may pay to plan ahead if you’re going to conduct a protest. Some German climate activists may want to consider that next time, because this time it didn’t work out so well. The poorly planned protest is IN A HANDBASKET this morning.

The snowflake crowd has gone as far as to create an International Pronouns Day. Maybe we could use an English Grammar day instead.

The CDC is recommending COVID immunizations for kids as young as six months old. It’s not a mandate, but many states will use the vote as an excuse to impose the jab on school kids. Not in Florida! Governor Ron DeSantis says it won’t be happening here. What would Prime Time Charlie do? We can hope the state will never have to find out.

Democrats in our state want the new election law stopped. We have a couple of related stories posted for you.

Our last round of candidate interviews begins today. County Court Judge- Group 4 candidate Kimberly Musselman is with us at 7:25.Her opponent, Renee Torpy will be here in Monday’s 7am hour. 

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