BML Tuesday: Football, Pronouns & Politics

In some college football stadiums there are 100,000 fans. Can the universities be reasonably expected to control a crowd that won’t be controlled?The SEC thinks so and Tennessee is paying the price for fan actions after their BIG win over Alabama.

Pronoun use is front and center these days. One college professor has handled them perfectly. So far he’s facing no repercussions. Could he be in a protected class?

Florida Today detests Sheriff Wayne Ivey. It’s evident. That does not, however, keep them from asking a legitimate question between their wild speculation and politicking.

There are signs the Democrats are in trouble in November. It’s the same folks that abandoned President Trump and they are doing the same to the Dems. Oh, and Lyin’ Anthony Fauci is at it again. He says he had nothing to do with schools closing during THE RONA.

Dave Bowman is back with our weekly look at history as only Dave can do…here’s a preview:

If you were to ask one hundred Americans, "Who is the best American citizen of ALL time?" what do think the answer would be?

I've never done that, but my guess is the overwhelming answer would be George Washington. There is an almost worshipful quality that we take towards him, perhaps with some justification, as we have painted the act of his deification onto the ceiling of our Capitol Dome.

We have a corporate memory of him that fits both our need for the hero and our understanding of who we are as a people - perhaps flawed, but still morally strong.

Here's the question though, do we honestly believe that everybody who lived back then just loved and adored General Washington? Were there not... say... one, perhaps two people, who found him odious or even overbearing? James Madison is known to have disliked the Generals "coarse language" at times, but really, is there nothing worse thought of him, at all?

The obvious answer is that of course there were those who not only disliked Washington, but worse, didn't trust him. So why have we ignored them and their versions of our history?

It's eerily similar to O'Brien holding up four fingers and asking Winston Smith, "How many fingers do you see?" The answer is five...


SEC fines Tennessee for fan actions



Professor handles pronouns perfectly

Legitimate Question fueled by immense speculation

Bad news for Dems, as it was for Trump

Fauci denies his influence in closing schools


Dave Bowman




90’s Killer Clown case delayed

Crist keeps beating abortion drum…to defeat



ARMY program = Maligned soldiers

Oregon counties want to be Iowa

WAWA bails on Philly

Youngkin making the stand

PA to ignore Supreme Court on counting ballots

Biden has lose grip on details

Media gives him a pass

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