The Week That Was

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Here’s a recap of the week…

BML Monday: Kids/Moms Stand Up

…consequences follow

It’s easy to tell someone to stand up for what’s right. It’s not so easy to do it. Yet, people are. We’ll begin our day with high school volleyball players who don’t want to change with a translete in the locker room. The school is going after the girls. Education is broken in America.

A Georgia mom and substitute teacher has stood up for her kids. She got fired for her efforts. Did we say education is broken?

Oh, it’s not over yet. The Coast Guard has been immense help after Hurricane Ian. The president has called several members to than k them for their heroic efforts. One of them is about to be fired for his vaccine status. Speaking of…California’s new law targets doctors for what the state deems to be “COVID misinformation.” 

Governor DeSantis has a warning for looters. He reminds them we are a 2nd Amendment state. I hope he reminds the legislature before long.

BML Tuesday: Education in Focus


We’ll spend our second hour on Education today. I’m speaking to Moms for Liberty tonight at Frog Bones. They are also collecting necessary items for victims of Hurricane Ian.If you plan on attending, please bring helpful items like manual can openers, nonperishable foods, paper towels, tarps, gas cans and the like. I hope to see you there.

We’ll open our day with society tripping over itself to use the proper pronouns for the gender confused. This particular one is easy, if the idiots covering the story would only think about it. Then, we have a nurse who has been fired in Texas for refusing “implicit bias” training. Like her, I’d be insulted by the inference and believe it to be a waste of time.

We’ll close the day with our own dive into education with DAVE DOES HISTORY. Dave’s tease of the topic says…

You have often heard Bill complain about GOP Republicans who give fire and brimstone conservatism speeches while running for office, and then turn into "do-nothings" once in office. He is, of course, not alone, nor is he wrong to express such sentiments.

But is it anything actually new when it comes to specifically the GOP? Today we fear the slide into progressive socialism as a result of the GOP’s failure to keep its principles and its word.

There was once a time when the GOP stood firm for those ideas and principles. Until the election of a man who, along with the his party, decided that in the interest of going along to get along, he and his party would allow the undoing of all that had been bought - in blood and in sacrifice.


…M4L steps up again!

Off the bat, THANK YOU to the fine folks who attended the Brevard Chapter Moms for Liberty meeting last night. It was a standing room only crowd and it was my honor to speak with them. Those people stepped up in huge fashion and donated truckloads of goods for folks in Southwest Florida who have such severe need after Hurricane Ian. Those goods are in a trailer and on their way to Pine Island at 9am. 

When I was growing up the BookMobile became a thing in our community. We were a relatively remote, small community without a library. The weekly trips to our town were a novelty of sorts and brought literacy to our hillbilly town. Then the BloodMobile came calling. If the blood donors won’t come to you, go where they are. You won’t believe what’s next- the DeathMobile.

One Atlanta city council member is a bundle of contradiction. Claiming to be normal, this council member wants acceptance. The only think normal here is the confusion.

Indialantic’s mayor has been arrested for attacking a city council candidate. That town has problems. Brevard County has a new Supervisor of Elections. It’s a shame news can’t be news.

I also have the tales of three professors. One was fired for having a difficult class. Another kept her job after opining that there are two genders (opining?).A third has resigned after applying prejudicial procedures in her class against students “of privilege.”

Those stories and more are linked up below, but it’s WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY. Pick one of mine or choose one of your own and bring it to our discussion today. The idea is...what’s on your mind?

BML Thursday: SLAVERY- on the ballot in USA

…Florida Today’s John Torres

I was surprised when I saw the headline of the story. It’s 2022 and slavery is on the ballot here in the United States? Four different states are considering wiping out slavery this November. I guess it’s about time. Can anybody be against this idea?

Speaking of elections, a caller yesterday mentioned the idea of election disruption due to Hurricane Ian. There are some good ideas floating around, but what will Florida do? No matter what measures are taken, it may not matter for Prime Time Charlie Crist. 

We’ll open our day with Alabama standing up for kids in our schools and refusing federal dollars if necessary to do it. It’s an idea whose time has come and I hope Florida has the courage to do it.

Florida Today’s John Torres skipped Hurricane Ian. Good for him. We’ll catch up with the Editorial Page Editor in our final hour this morning.

BML Friday: Innocence Gone

…and courtesy with it!

Most of us fondly remember Saturday morning cartoons- Bugs Bunny, the Roadrunner, The Lone Ranger, superheroes and more. And one day we were introduced to Scooby Doo. Thoughts of these generate happy childhood memories and positive feelings. We were young and innocent. Kids could be kids and life was an adventure to be learned. That innocence is gone and kids today are losing it at ever younger ages. Scooby Doo has become part of that. Cartoons are not for kids anymore and that lands Scooby, Shaggy and the gang IN A HANDBASKET this morning.

Common courtesy can vary from culture to culture. Personal space, limited enough on an airplane made one story interesting to me. It made me wonder, what’s the worst “party foul” you’ve experienced while traveling? This one surprised me.

The Electric Vehicle push makes no sense. It makes less sense in an area prone to hurricanes. After just such a storm EVs are showing they are not only worthless, but dangerous.

The courts have upheld Florida’s bad on “vaccine passports.” That’s good news for travelers and tourism.

Is the Red Wave in November’s election real? It would appear to be so as the top issues on voters’ minds are seen as best in the hands of Republicans.

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