
Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS. 

CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:

09.26.22- DQ- it’s Not Dairy Queen Anymore


Over the weekend Pridefest happened in Downtown Melbourne. It was endorsed by the city, local and even corporate sponsors.


It had a parade, vendors and the occasional protester. It also had Drag Queen Story Time with said performers reading to kids.


The Drag Queens brought controversy over the interaction with children, and rightfully so. Politicians took to grandstanding on all sides.


The protests, by two individuals according to Florida Today, were ineffective and drew ridicule. Their message was ineffective at best.


It was too little, too late.


Conservatives have a problem in messaging correctly and effectively. Timing and targets are the problem. They need to get better at this.


Me, I’m wishing for the days when DQ stood for Dairy Queen and nothing else!


09.27.22- My Sister’s Stupid


My sister is stupid, or so says Steve in Melbourne. Far be it from me to run with it and let her know as soon as I could!


We were talking the Navy and Congress and their reaction to UFO reports and requests for information.


We had several callers relating their experiences while in the military with UFOs and how the military handled them.


I mentioned that when I tell my sister about these discussions that she looked at me sideways. That’s when Steve called to advise us that all UFO deniers are stupid.


Now, I don’t know what UFOs are, if they are ours, some other country’s or maybe from somewhere beyond earth, but if the discussion gives me a chance to needle my sister, I’m all for it.


We may have a lot to learn about UFOs and we may or may not learn it.


But I know an opportunity when I see one!

09.28.22- A Political Storm


We have lamented it for a long time. Everything in today’s America is politicized. Even Hurricanes.


And I don’t mean the global warming alarmists. I’m talking about one leftist who wants to have gender neutral pronouns for Ian just to irritate Governor Ron DeSantis.


Hey, I get the humor and I even kinda like it. But, this storm is a doozy and has the potential to be devastating to the Sunshine State.


If we follow the logic, all storms should have androgynous names like Pat, Kim or Chris. Then we could use any pronoun we like until the storm chooses its own identity!


Then we’d see names like Destructo or Windy!


Not everything is about politics. Sometimes it’s about life and wishing the best for other people no matter who they are…or think they are!


09.30.22- Ron DeSantis’ Test


The mainstream media characterized Hurricane Ian as a test for Ron DeSantis and then did its best say he failed it.


Nothing could be further from the truth. 


CNN’s Steve Contorno, echoed by others, said DeSantis’ was inconsistent by blasting the government response to COVID and then, saying emergency management by government is necessary in a hurricane.


But DeSantis was right on both counts.


Florida weathered COVID as well as any state and better than most. Florida handles hurricanes well because we have to.


Natural disasters are what government is there to handle. Personal medical decisions are not the government’s responsibility.


If Ian was a test, Ron DeSantis passed with flying colors. That scares the media, simply because leadership was shining through the storm.


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