The Week That Was

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Here’s a recap of the week…

BML Monday: Bad Examples- the NFL and Martha’s Vineyard

…FORD- finally a better idea?

Bad examples and their impact will begin our week on BML. We’re glad it’s football season and both college and NFL games have grabbed our attention and filled our weekends. Kids follow the lead of these accomplished athletes who, like it or not, are role models. So far this season, the model isn’t good.

We’ll also visit the illegals in Martha’s Vineyard. Well, we’ll try. They aren’t there. Maybe the left, when invaded, has an idea on how to handle the illegal immigration issue!Residents of the elitist area were wondering how to handle it all when the state stepped in with an internment camp.Money donated online to help the illegals did not go to them, naturally. It went to a flush-with-cash foundation for the community. For his part, Governor DeSantis says he’ll spend all $12m allocated by the legislature in an illegals relocation effort. Yes, it’s a political stunt, but it has also highlighted the border issue that has been lingering for far too long. One Texas mayor is laying the blame on both parties and he is right!

If we have time, Orlando has a new police chief who advocates for PROFILING. Oh, he can’t say it with those words, but it’s exactly what he said and he is right to say it!

BML Tuesday: It Can Be Done! (it already has been)


The LGBT issues in our schools have been a point of contention for years. Finally, we see progress made in righting the wrongs being inflicted on our kids. It can be done and the story falls IN A HANDBASKET this morning.

The former director of the National Institutes of Health realizes they lost the confidence of the American people during the now-Biden-declared-over pandemic. But his answer for fixing the problem only creates more problems. The answer to bad government is not more government!

A Texas sheriff is investigating the Sanctuary Skies efforts of Governor Ron DeSantis. The sheriff wants to see someone in jail. He may find someone, but it won’t be Ron DeSantis. The governor spoke to our Sean Hannity about the situation.

If time allows we’ll look at a court case that sets up a Supreme look at Big Tech censorship. The courts have issues conflicting decisions on these cases and that’s where the Supremes come into play.

At 8am in DAVE DOES HISTORY we look at the idea of history itself…

So... what exactly IS history?

It's an important question, perhaps even more so than "Why study history?" Like so many things, if we do not understand WHAT we are studying, how can we have any realistic idea of HOW to interpret it?

Let's take a look at two recent events, a Supreme Court case, the firing of a high school football coach in Bremerton, WA., and the biggest "news story" in the country right now, the Martha's Vineyard immigrants.

Each of these stories has its slant depending on which side you choose to follow. If you're just an average person, how do you have any idea what is true, what is meaningful or what really matters?

If we can understand WHAT history is, then we can ask two further questions, who chooses what gets recorded as history? And can we ever get the truth, the whole truth and nothing buy the truth?


…Brevard’s new SOE

The education system is fighting back against the push for parental rights. Earlier in the week we talked about Virginia issuing new rules for pronoun and restroom use in the state’s schools. At least one district is defying the directive. And here in Brevard, the school district is slow rolling its review of questionable material in its libraries. Education verses your family is IN A HANDBASKET this morning.

Brevard County’s next Supervisor of Elections has been named and the governor wisely took the advice of retiring SOE Lori Scott in appointing the office’s IT Director Tim Bobanic to the job.We have appreciated Lori’s dedication to serving Brevard’s voters and her direction and understanding of those operations has her staff ready to continue with one of its own at the helm.Tim’s appointment will ensure continuity as the office moves forward toward the November General Election.

The governor has proposed massive tax breaks for 2023 and the media is melting down about it. Florida has a large budget surplus and tax breaks seem only reasonable in that circumstance. Why is it election gamesmanship for Republicans to support tax breaks and not the same when the president decides repaying loans is not necessary for college loans?

Local media is also wondering about the County Commission’s role in TDC oversight. It how the system was set up and the Tourism Development Council is an advisory board, not a decision making entity. We want our elected officials making these calls because they, unlike an unelected board, can be held accountable if the electorate will engage.

For my part it’s Education, Elections and Economy today, but it’s WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY and you can bring us any topic you like when we go to the phones on BML.

BML Thursday: Culture- Stop Cancelling & Have Some

…Dilbert and the USAF

Tuesday during DAVE DOES HISTORY, Dave Bowman asked if news of today is history. I would ask the same of our entertainment and social commentary. Certainly all give us a glimpse, jaded as it may be, at our society as it exists today. While I have not picked up a comic book or newspaper comics section in years, I do keep up with some comic strips on social media. I enjoy the humor and the sometimes biting commentary. Apparently the outrage mob and some media entities don’t share the joy. That has the DILBERT comic strip a victim of cancel culture and IN A HANDBASKET as we begin our day.

If you’ve never heard of the US Preventive Services Task Force, don’t worry, neither had I. That changed in show prep last night. The story caught my attention because these volunteer “experts” want everybody under 65 to have mental health screenings. Other than the obvious question as to why they are writing off anyone over 65, I got to thinking just what kind of cancelling could that idea lead us to?

Another group of scientists is defending cancel culture as natural consequences of falling afoul of societal standards and a recalibrating of our culture. It becomes a battle of the WOKE versus us “dangerous” folks.

There are those, other than those of us in talk radio, who are fighting the trend and trying to stop the WOKE in corporate America. Sadly the initiative is headed the other way in our military. The Air Force says that somehow going gender neutral improves the lethality of their fighting and the Air Force Academy is busy killing the idea of “Mom and Dad.”

Fighting for our culture is on tap on this Thursday edition of BML.

BML Friday: Dodging Biden

…FBI Whistleblower Suspended

We closed yesterday’s show discussing the Air Force Academy’s ridiculous emphasis on gender issues and language. Today we learn that it’s worse than we knew.Now there are fellowships available to cadets who are not straight males. In fact, straight, male cadets need not apply. The Air Force Academy is IN A HANDBASKET today.

A man has been shot in the United Soviet State of Orlando. I’m wondering which police, security or secret police officer shot him.

A veteran FBI Agent has been suspended for refusing to participate in agency actions that violate the rights of Americans. There are those who will stand for what’s right. There are ramifications for doing so.

It’s funny to see Democratic candidates’ reactions and relationship to President Joe Biden. Val Demings is dodging a Biden Orlando appearance. Prime Time Charlie, or is that Jesus, Crist is embracing the president. One of these moves is the smarter of the two. It may be the smartest thing Val Demings has ever done.

And while Crist and others are busy vilifying Ron DeSantis’ flying illegals to Martha’s Vineyard, a group of civil rights lawyers tells us what they really think. The want to keep illegals in their place…and it ain’t some swanky liberal vacation spot.

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