The Week That Was

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Here’s a recap of the week…


America’s journey back to the moon is scheduled for a big step this morning. Artemis 1 is set for launch with a window opening at 8:33am. The unmanned fight will test the new capsule and mannequins will monitor the potential impact on astronauts for future missions. We'll begin our coverage in our 8am hour.

Traffic is expected to be heavy as people find their launch watch locations. Officials have worked extensively on traffic plans for after the launch. Traffic patterns will change to try and alleviate as much congestion as possible.

We’ll open our day on the other end of the scientific scale where science does not matter, just how people feel. The science doesn’t get any better as we continue with states checking their own authority to lawmakers in other states. In what world does that make sense?

Prime Time Charlie Crist has named his choice as running mate for Lt. Governor. It surely won’t help him attract middle of the road voters and shows his commitment to far left ideology. 

Rory O’Neill joins us for launch coverage today with special reports leading us up to the final countdown.


How media is consumed is changing. You could very well be listening to BML on the iHeart Radio App as opposed to over the radio. Newspapers have borne the brunt of this changing landscape as younger audience members choose alternative media as their primary sources for news. If that news were reliable, it could be a good thing, but therein lies the problem. What's the answer?

On the political front- just how did Nikki Fried become a loser? Understanding politics makes a big difference and produces wins. Newt Gingrich says the media is being deceptive and that the big red wave is coming in spite of it. Is he cheerleading or does he have a point? The left loves to label those who are not drinking their Kool-Aid and they are vicious about it.

IN A HANDBASKET we’ll open the conversation with a reversal on an anti-Back the Blue stance taken by one Florida High School.


It’s the one day a week you can talk any topic on the show. The stage is yours when you call us at 321-768-1240. What’s it going to be?

Things on my mind today include: California wanting to be a sanctuary state for trans-kids, Joe Rogan’s idea for fixing bad government, Governor DeSantis needing some correction on the state’s election law, electronic vehicles and the stupidity around them.

But; like I said, it’s up to you on WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY…what’s on your mind?


Standards- if you don’t have them quality can be difficult to maintain. Soldiers- if you don’t have them, wars can be difficult to fight. What happens when the two come together? We find the US Army IN A HANDBASKET this morning.

California is about to be its own glaring example of how bad its policies are. While on the one hand the state says only EVs will be sold in the state beginning in 2035, they are also telling folks to not charge the EVs they currently have because of the strain on the power grid. 

Here in the land of the free, Prime Time Charlie Crist is leaving congress to focus on his run against Governor Ron DeSantis. While the Orlando Sentinel is running story about how DeSantis is running hard right when most politicians will run to the middle in a general election, they have not bothered to mention that Crist is doing the exact opposite. It’ll be tough ruin for Crist as Florida is in relatively great shape, especially when it comes to economic and fiscal freedom.

We have exciting times here on the Space Coast. With NASA scheduled to launch Artemis I, beginning our journey back to the moon this weekend, John Torres has taken a look at future space exploration. John intends to keep his feet firmly on the ground. The Florida Today Engagement Editor will join us in hour three.


Do you enjoy your privacy? Do you even have privacy? In today’s world that is less and less likely. You’re being watched, or at least tracked, all the time. How’s that make you feel? We give up much for the convenience of being perpetually connected. How's that working out for you? We're all IN A HANDBASKET after Kim Komando’s morning update.

We do have some wins on the social issues front and one Kansas teacher is an excellent example. It would be good to see more actual leaders step up in the education world.

Brevard Schools has gone stupid in its overreaction to the state’s new parental rights law. Does nobody in education have any sense? Are they just playing games to aggravate the situation? It’s time to get some adults in change and stop the nonsense.

A Seminole County jury has found a Republican operative guilty in the “ghost” candidate case. It is the first of several cases to go to trial. Hey Republicans, how about demanding integrity of those playing politics in your name?

It’s not as if we need wrongdoing to bring the wrath of the president upon us. Joe Biden is in attack mode leading up to the midterm elections. When common sense and logic are shunned for the sake of radical agenda and we are belittled as being backwards and haters, it’s time to stand strong for what’s right and just.  Even New Yorkers are seeing how divisive President Biden and his party have become.

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