
Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS. 

CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:

08.22.22- It Didn’t Have to Be This Way


It’s sad when you think that none of this had to happen. What’s this? Reported attacks on girls in Brevard Schools restrooms.


Two reports from over the summer came to light last week and in each case a transgender student was accused of assaulting an actual female student.


The reports are disputed by the district, but even so, the district’s policies have led up to this point where such attacks are plausible, if not probable.


It’s why the so-called non-partisan school board elections are so important. While the seats may be non-partisan, the people running to occupy them most certainly are.


Consider if the district has adequately protected Brevard’s kids, evaluate the candidates and cast your vote accordingly.


If protecting our kids is important, so is your vote. It’s time for leaders to step up.


None of this has to happen again.

08.23.22- Media Maneuverings


Media’s landscape is changing. It remains to be seen if it’s for the good.


The mistrust of mainstream media has been earned. Skepticism is healthy in this case. Trust, once lost, is difficult to recover.


But, CNN is trying. They’ve dropped hosts under long term contracts and are saying they are going back to news reporting as opposed to left leaning pontification. 


It's early.


The New York Times is going the other direction. They have created a new beat to watch right leaning media and interpret it for their readers. The Times cites the volume of Americans relying on alternative media as the reason.


Translation: they are losing audience and they want to debunk the competition. They don’t even disguise that.


It’s up to us, the consumers of news to be discerning, as we always should have been.


We’ll see how it goes.

08.24-22- Results In: Outcome TBD


The results of the Primary Election are in. The outcome is still to be determined.


Yes, several races were decided yesterday, but now it falls to the candidates to perform. 


That will be the real outcome.


There is opportunity to make real change in government, especially our schools. The candidates have to follow through.


It’s one thing to tout your principles when running for office. It’s another to hold to them when the heat is on.


You won the job or nomination. Now the real struggle begins. Fighting the inertia of existing policy and practice can be tough and time consuming.


These new office holders must persevere and make the difference they claimed to want.


The votes are in; the job lies ahead.


Make us proud!

08.25.22- Kid Stuff


Thursday morning began with a discussion about the dangerous things we did as kids.


It was inspired by a story of a Detroit area park that shut down a slicky slide, a very large slide, because kids were flying up into the air due to hitting the humps in the slide at high speeds.


We’d have loved this as kids. The higher you went, the more thrilled you’d be. The fear factor was a big part of that.


Not this time. Society’s changed. We have helicopter and lawnmower parents who’d wrap their kids in bubble wrap if they could.


Did you even hear of bike helmets, much less wear one? And we were gone on our bikes all day in the summer.


We climbed trees, ate green apples, went off the high dive, rode sleds down roadways in the winder and much more.


Kids may still be kids, but are they having as much fun as we had?

08.26.22- Look at the Facts, Please (the judge did)


I get that politics drives everything these days. I live in the talk radio world, after all. But can we just pause for a moment?


We are ready, on all sides, to vilify anyone and anything that doesn’t fit our prescription for how the world should run.


The Mar-a-Lago raid is on my mind.


Yes, the FBI and Justice Department are controlled by political appointments, as are the courts. But the courts have rules (laws) in play to protect the process from abuse.


I contend the magistrate judge in this case simply did his job. He reviewed the affidavit, found it sufficient to support issuing the warrant. If he was lied to, or just wrong in his judgment, there will be a chance to rectify it.


This magistrate judge did his job and nothing more.


Rather than be reactionary, let’s let the facts play out, see where they take us and then make a decision.


We deserve a weekend off!


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