INSIDER COLUMN: Bill’s Primary Picks

Since I began in radio I have shared with my audience how I vote and the reasons behind those decisions. While not a traditional “endorsement,” it does reflect my impressions of the candidates, many of whom have interviewed on Bill Mick LIVE.

Here is how the Primary Election is breaking down for me in the races we covered.

County Commission District 2: Dave Netterstrom

The former Cocoa Beach mayor exhibited a clear command of the issues facing the county in the coming years. His experience in elected office gives him an advantage over other candidates interviewed in this race. Former Representative Tom Goodson did not even reply to the invitation to interview. Is there a chance he’d be more responsive if elected to office? I hardly think so. The other candidates in this race also interviewed, but are not at the level of Netterstrom when it comes to being ready to serve Brevard.

School Board District-1: Megan Wright

Like Goodson, Wright did not interview on the show. She did, however, reply as to her availability on the scheduled day. This is not so much a vote for Wright as it is against the status quo on the board. The board has made serious missteps in the last several years from defying the governor on masking our kids during the pandemic to LGBT and CRT issues. The board was aggressive toward parents who were in dissent and, rightly or wrongly, Misty Belford- as Chairman of the board- is that face of those missteps. A message needs to be sent to the board and the district that putting parents on the back bench when it comes to their children will not be tolerated. Wright has the Moms for Liberty endorsement, and while not something I would normally do, that will have to be enough for me in this race.

County Commission District-4: Rob Feltner

I have not always been a Rob Feltner fan. His early forays into politics in Brevard and style of campaign management were less than stellar. That said, he’s had over a decade of experience in and around Brevard politics and has a clear handle on the lay of the land. His leanings are conservative and his stated positions on critical issues for the county align with mine. He is clearly the best of this candidate field. His opposition falls far short of Feltner’s understanding of the process and policies that would serve us well. David Armstrong was a bad candidate eight years ago and is no better today. Sandra Sullivan is an activist that has not figured out how to be effective in that role and is not ready for this one. Mary Margaret Steciuk has given us no reason to consider her as a serious candidate.

School Board District-5: Katye Campbell

These school board races are a battle for the future of our kids and our country. Campbell’s opponent is an aggressive anti-Moms for Liberty candidate. Quite frankly, that’s frightening. Should she and the other anti-Moms candidates be elected it would be a disaster for Brevard. Katye is solidly for kids, even if we have disagreed on some decisions she has made as a board member. We can’t afford to see her opponent on the board.

School Board District-2: Gene Trent

Gene is the most prepared candidate of all the candidates I interviewed in any race this season. His experience, philosophy and positions on key issues are exactly what this board needs. It would be a huge error for District-2 to place any of the other candidates in this race on the school board.

Florida House District-30: Robyn Hattaway

Robyn gets the nod in this district, although it will be tough for her to pull out a win. The district is largely a Volusia County seat and that can be a tough sell for a Brevard based candidate. Her opponent, while having committed to the interview, did not show for it. I have no clue on his positions and I know that Robyn has access to solid political advice for any issues where her experience may be limited.

Florida House District-34: Karen Hiltz

This is the one race where there seems to be no poor choice. Both Karen and her opponent, Vero Beach Mayor Robbie Brackett, interviewed well and appear to have the credentials to do the job well. My choice of Hiltz in this seat is because of her clear understanding of the issues and presentation of them when we talked. I am not saying Brackett was not good, as well. He was. I believe Hiltz’ presentation was the stronger of the two and that gave her the edge.

Judicial Races: Just say no!

I have struggled with these races for years. The Florida Bar and Supreme Court have judicial candidates so restricted that there is no reason to interview them because they can tell you nothing of substance. Why waste my audience’s time? With that being the case my recommendation would be to not vote to reelect any sitting judge and keep turning the seats over until the judges and lawyers get together and force a change that would allow them to answer questions of substance when seeking a judgeship.

There you have my choices in the Primary Election. Agree or disagree, it’s up to you. Whatever you do, when you vote make an informed decision. We all depend on each other for these calls and the successful operation of the governments around us.

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