
Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS. 

CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:

06.13.22- It’s Your Business- Run It


Finally, we are seeing some sense out of Washington, DC. In this case it relates to business and social activism.


In an era where many businesses are caving to the social activism of their employees, it’ good to see a decision that recognizes the right of the business owner to run his business as he sees fit.


It happened with the National Labor Relations Board and Home Depot. The Board had ruled that Home Depot was violating law by banning BLM imagery on employee uniforms.


Upon appeal the judge decided that the NLRB’s attorney was wrong in the assertion. In other words, the business owner has the right to dictate employee conduct on the clock.


It only makes sense. Social activism at work can alienate customers and that’s contrary to the goal.


Be who you are, protest what you like on your own time. But when you have a job, your obligation is to the employer.


Let’s hope this one stands!

06.14.22- Lost Respect


Respect has been lost in America. Respect for self, for others, for neighborhoods, families and kids, it’s all gone.


It’s exemplified by the protests in the neighborhoods of our Supreme Court Justices. It’s not just the justices and their families being terrorized. Their neighbors, schools and churches have become targets.


Look, I get that political issues are emotional and bring passions to the front. But, putting people in fear, stopping the peaceful enjoyment of their homes, places of education and worship are out of line.


The law doesn’t matter. Common decency doesn’t matter and apparently neither does safety.


When we lose respect for others these things happen. The Golden Rule is out the window. That’s sad.


We can get it back, but do we have the will to do so?


06.15.22- WOW Has Pitfalls- so run with it!


There is a danger in what we do every Wednesday on BML. WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY allows callers to bring up any topic they choose.


Any means…ANY!


Bill in Melbourne took the opportunity to ask if gays actually enjoyed sex or if it was something else driving them. He wanted callers to advise us on this. He said he was considering his own research, so to speak.


See, you never know where the day takes us.


Later Ed called to discuss electric vehicles and the push toward this not ready for prime-time technology. It was an interesting idea.


What if we combine the two, Questioning Bill and electricity?


Maybe a cattle prod for incorrect wardrobe decisions or confusing gender presentations!


WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY on BML- it’s a risk, but it’s also a blast.


If you missed it, catch the podcast!

06.16.22- Phantom Racism


Nobody pretends that all vestiges of racism have been wiped out in the world. But there is something undermining the real incidents of it.


I call it Phantom Racism.


It’s when activists assert racism where none exists. The World Health Organization wants to rename Monkeypox claiming racism as the reason.


George Washington is dumping its “Colonials” mascot because of current day pressures from WOKE students and others.


And our new federal holiday, Juneteenth, set aside to acknowledge the end of slavery in the country is bringing its own brand of racism to the party.


A Cal State-LA professor of pan-African studies says whites should not ask to attend holiday celebrations- that it’s set aside for black folks.


Yet, it would be racism if we refused to acknowledge it.


How about we treat people right, deal with the facts and just show a little respect?

06.17.22- The Kamala Commission


Well, the disinformation board is out, but the idea moves forward. This time it’s a White House Task Force to Address Online Harassment and Abuse.


The good news- VP Kamala Harris is in charge and I have every reason to believe it will be just as successful as her efforts to control the southern border and stop the war in Ukraine.


Their premise is what you might expect: it’s all the fault of men and it leads to violence.


Harris launched the effort with a “roundtable of experts” where she also introduced a “survivor” of such online abuse.


These folks whose feelings have been hurt on the internet are now survivors? Do they not know how to disengage from the web or social media apps?


Spare me. Sticks and stones used to be the mantra. Now it’s spare my feelings and sensibilities.


How about this, grow the heck up and avoid things that make you vulnerable! 

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