The Week That Was


Lessons in responsibility and integrity abound! We have several on today’s show. Sadly, there are also examples in the other direction. We begin our day with Marine LTC Stuart Scheller’s stand.

IN A HANDBASKET we have a cautionary tale about faith, government, blurred lines and defiance. Can this happen in the United States? Can it be far off?

We spoke with Tina Descovich on Friday’s show. The group she co-founded, Moms for Liberty, is under fire by mainstream media. I'd remind them that when you are taking flak, you’re over the target. I’d also say that another word for adversity is opportunity and I believe the recent media coverage (and the Washington Post story linked below) draws interest and more people to the cause. I was right; Vader striking down Obi-Wan did nothing but make Obi-Wan stronger. Continually maligning parents and a group like M4L that voices parents’ concerns only strengthens the resolve and support!

The state of Washington has a far more restrictive environment than we have in Florida. Governor Jay Inslee is a big reason why. Dave Bowman resides in WA and lives it every day. He joins us in hour three as we look at Inslee’s input into their lives, diversity in sports though he eyes of UF students and maybe a bit of Star Trek.


With vaccine mandates dominating so many lives we look to state governments for defense of our liberties. How effective our legislatures can be, we don’t know. But if we don’t get a handle on this the country as we have known it is lost. Iowa may have the way.

IN A HANDBASKET: Our entertainment reflects who we are as a people or a nation. We may not like it, but SUPERMAN is changing and The Man of Steel is holding up a carnival mirror to the country!

Colin Powell had a stellar military career and successful life. I'm irked that the media and others are using his death as a “Colin COVID Commercial." The man was 84 years old, a cancer patient and his death after contracting COVID is NOT a surprise or cause for alarm. Using his passing in this manner is a disservice to Powell and the rest of us. In addition to using Powell’s death for the cause we are seeing cops and their service being used the same way. STOP IT!

In other COVID news Minnesota is bribing kids to get the vaccine like a bad parent in the toy section; Walmart has ignored doctor’s prescription in favor of its own ROLL BACK opinion and college kids are resisting the collegiate COVID rules and tracking they are facing.


Welcome to WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY. Today you may bring any topic of your choosing to the show when you call us at 321.768.1240.You could be considering something we have not discussed or maybe have thoughts on a topic we talked previously. Either way, if it’s on your mind, it’s on BML.

For my part I’m considering the RONAVERSE and how it’s impacting so many aspects of our lives. And now it’s getting serious. Restaurants are being penalized for not being the vaccine police for the government and we are at odds with each other over things that are not each other’s business.


It’s only the beginning of medical mandates. First it’s buying insurance with Obamacare. Then it’s take the COVID vaccine or lose your job. We star our day with the latest: take a flu shot or don’t get into college! It's not about health, it’s about power!

IN A HANDBASKET takes us to California where parents are outraged over how their children are being treated…at lunch.

Governor DeSantis spoke in Brevard yesterday. He was here about issues in our schools and one incident in particular. It's interesting the main issue hasn’t been reported. I don’t have complete details for you, they have not been published other than in the video of the press conference. Instead we got a rewrapped story about the governor verses the Biden administration and another laying out defense of school board member Jennifer Jenkins claims of harassment that details the horrendous things some people have done at Jenkins home. The story ignores the acts of Jenkins in maligning Moms for Liberty with unfounded accusations that M4L orchestrated the bad.M4L has denounced those acts and the people who committed them. Jenkins and the media continue the deception.


A Carolina college professor is under fire for doing something that we should all do more of- refuse to give in to fake (and incorrectly assumed) outrage. Students making assumptions with items from a previous session remaining on a whiteboard decided the list was racist. It was no such thing. When the professor defended the guest who made the list was suspended from his classes. Coastal Carolina is looking pretty stupid here.

When Governor DeSantis was in Brevard earlier this week, he was here about issues in our schools and one incident in particular. We got a rewrapped story about the governor verses the Biden administration as opposed to the headline that should have been. We have another laying out defense of school board member Jennifer Jenkins’ claims of harassment that detail the horrendous things some people have done at Jenkins home. This story ignores the acts of Jenkins in maligning Moms for Liberty with unfounded accusations that M4L orchestrated the bad deeds.M4L has denounced those acts and the people who committed them. Jenkins and the media continue the deception. An Arkansas senator has filed a bill in DC to support parents and their rights in education when it comes to their kids.

Vaccine mandates are a stain on our nation. They are not what we were taught and believe America is supposed to be. While defense contractors bow to the dictatorial edicts from King Joseph the First and IN-N-OUT Burger leads the way by showing how to fight back, Governor DeSantis is calling for a special session of the legislature to take action in defense of freedom and jobs. If only the defense contractors had the wisdom and courage of a burger joint and a Southern governor.

Representative Tyler Sirois joined us for the hour.

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