More and more we see control being exerted over people by those using COVID as the excuse. The biggie last week was employers, either in agreement with the idea or fearful of losing lucrative government contracts, inserting themselves in employees’ private medical decisions to require vaccinations or lose their jobs. But it doesn’t stop there. Governments all over the world are doing this, including here in the United States. Where will it stop?

We are seeing resistance. Is enough of it coming from the right places?

Reporting of the numbers of vaccinated people is odd to me. Why include in the numbers people who are not eligible to be vaccinated? It would seem that is to just make the numbers appear worse than they are in an effort to further shame the unvaccinated and encourage compliance.

Our time with Dave Bowman today could be a huge IN A HANDBASKET segment. We'll see one comedian standing up against the forces that would silence others, a lawsuit filed against GEICO that makes no sense at all- yet the suit proceeds, CA school districts have a new, senseless mandate and the Urban Meyer lap dance fiasco along with a Madonna appearance on Jimmy Fallon tell us something about ourselves. We also have an espionage story involving Dave’s submarines and my homeland of West Virginia.

Welcome to our talk week!


If Australian cops get it…



Why don’t these American cops?



The L3Harris/other provider mandates

Heritage Foundation fights subpoena on elections law

County Commission redistricting & the constitution

There are available jobs…how about workers?



UCLA MD refuses vaccine- shown the door

Moms for Liberty- an idea they can get behind



Insurance companies on the vaccine bandwagon


8am- Dave Bowman

Chappelle, cancel culture and media

Suing GEICO for what?

CA, bathrooms and free stuff…that boys don’t need, but get anyway

Dancing on Meyer causes a mom concern

Madonna, Fallon & where we are

Submarine Spygate ends in WV

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