Governments Were Told…Didn’t Listen

Some things just seem to be common understanding. But like common sense, it just ain’t that common any more. Case in point is the Kroger company, having already compensated employees for pandemic work across the country, telling California cities that they would close stores if forced by local law to increase pay for employees because the governments said so. Then it happened. Maybe those in government aren’t used to the idea of promises made, promises kept.

One government seems to like the control it assumed over people’s lives during the pandemic. Oregon has landed itself IN A HANDBASKET with this latest, dumb idea. In another place with severe restrictions, cops in Canada are starting to just say no to enforcement actions that are over the top.

Maxine Waters may have just freed Derek Chauvin, or at least given him cause for appeal if he’s convicted. Waters calls for continued aggression by protesters if the verdict is not what they assume it should be caused the judge to react from the bench. With a jury not sequestered, it’s hard to believe they are unaware. Meanwhile Minneapolis and the nation are preparing for post verdict reaction and that’s probably wise.

Florida’s now an anti-riot state with the governor signing the bill into law yesterday. It went into effect immediately and Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd laid in on the line in simple terms (with visual aids).He showed pictures of protests and those of riots. He pointed out that, here in Florida, we know the difference. He also reminded new residents that not voting like they did up north is why we are better off here.


Kroger warned CA- now it’s happened



Oregon likes its control

Canadian cops stand up for freedom



Troubled Waters comment troubles court…sort of

Minneapolis prepares for verdict reaction

What’s in a word? Intentions

Fauci: Those pesky freedoms!

RONA Celebrity Deathmatch continues

Military’s rapid testing



Grady Judd on new riot law

Manned Launch Thursday 6:11am- traffic notes

Brevard Schools scaling back remote learning

Court upholds preemption on local gun laws

Lober: use stimulus to offset fire fee hike

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