The Oppressor in Orange County

The left in our country has even scared itself. The heavy push toward socialism has thinking dems worried about the future. We’ll start our day there.

Education is IN A HANDBASKET at 6:42.CA teachers are undergoing “white privilege” training where they must acknowledge their own privilege…whether they believe they have it or not.

If you want to pick a battle, you might try an opponent for whom fighting is not in the job description. Campus police in Wisconsin are standing up to threats over their Thin Blue Line flag. Speaking of, I have a Fox News take of a Florida story about a high school football game brawl where the flag is misnamed as a Blue Lives Matter flag. There is NO such thing. Fox News has been taking heat since election night and is not withstanding it well. Moves like this don’t help it credibility wise. That was evident at the president’s recent rally.

Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings is at it again. He thinks he’s found a loophole as he goes after businesses that are not following his edicts that threaten their livelihoods. An Oregon doctor has lost his license to practice for not being compliant with his medical opinions and actions.

Welcome to Monday on BML!


Even Dems get that socialism is bad


In a Handbasket:

Teachers undergo “white Privilege” training



The Blue Line fights back

There is NO Blue Lives Matter flag!



Demings to fine OC businesses in spite of State Order

A new beginning for Palm Bay?

Commissioners decide how to award CARES funds



Traitor (?) Fox News

Dr. loses license for not toeing the COVID line

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