INSIDER COLUMN: MICKnuggets 11.16-20.20


Want to know for sure when the election is over?Just watch these guys! 

There are certain professions that live and die by numbers.Mathematicians, insurance company actuarial folks and bookies! 

Online gambling sites outside the United States have taken millions in wagers on the presidential election (it’s illegal to do that here).These sites aren’t paying out even though the US mainstream media has sold out that the election is a done deal. 

The problem is that it ain’t over ‘till it’s over.Votes are only now being certified and reported to the states.Challenges to the counts are in play in many jurisdictions and the tallies just aren’t done. 

It would be stupid for a gambling site to pay out before the count and the election are final. 

It’s just as stupid to declare a president before the counting’s done. 

Where’s Kenny Rodgers singing THE GAMBLER when we need him? 

11.17.20- Defining You 

How do you define yourself?Is it your choice?Would you believe that for some it’s not? 

Sportswriter Jason Whitlock, a black man, recently addressed this with Fox’s Tucker Carlson.Whitlock refuses to be defined by his race or how others want to define him. 

Whitlock brings a refreshing perspective to the issue in his comments.He wants people to think Christian, American, intelligent and honest when they think of him.He rejects some caricature of “black” when it comes to who he is. 

He said the left defines black as a way of control people that requires blacks to meet some artificial construct of who others think they should be.Think of, “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black.” 

Whitlock says meeting standards of who others think you should be makes no sense.And he’s right. 

MLK, Jr’s vision of being defined by our character should be the goal for each of us.It’s the only way that really makes sense. 

11.18.20- A Nation of Whims 

We were raised to believe America was a nation of laws.It seems of late that we have become a nation of whims. 

Laws are not applied equally and often the whims of officials or the public at large seem to control how criminal incidents are handled. 

For example, the Portsmouth, VA police chief, a black woman, has been fired after her department arrested several conspirators for planning and then trying to destroy confederate monuments in that city. 

A senior State Senator was among the conspirators who were arrested for the crime. 

The prosecutor’s office refused to pursue the charges and now a dedicated public servant is out of a job. 

If the law doesn’t apply to everyone and cops lose their jobs for enforcing the law fairly we have lost our society and it’s subject to the whims of those who can decide that a crime is not a crime. 

We need to wise up! 

11.19.20- Wait for Facts Before Protest 

Wednesday, residents accompanied grieving family members as they protested the death of two young men last week in an altercation with a Brevard Sheriff’s Deputy. 

Understanding this is emotional for all involved, it would be prudent to understand exactly what happened before declaring things like, “No Justice, No Peace.”

The circumstance leading to the shooting incident was the investigation of a possible stolen car.One such car ran from other deputies before this deputy engaged in this pursuit. 

At this point the vehicle and its occupants are suspect.Officer actions are then dictated by the reaction of the occupants. 

The officers are on leave pending investigation.The families are mourning the loss of loved ones. 

The facts will bear out here, but they will take time.Until then, I’d urge calm consideration and some understanding before inciting any protest. 

11.20.20- And Now We Wait

In a Thursday press conference President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani laid out a massive voter fraud allegation regarding the presidential election. 

It’s what had to come if there is a serious challenge to this election.Now the question remains: can the allegation be proven? 

It’s up to Team Trump to bring forth the evidence in a clear and convincing manner and make it clear the election was illegitimate. 

If they can do that, the president just may remain in office.If they can’t, then Joe Biden will be the President Elect. 

My concern is that we have had our last uncontested election.If that is the case, what we can do is immediately begin urging our representatives to fix the system now with legitimate ID requirements, limited mail ballots and one, true election day. 

We have the technology.America can be better than this! 

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