LOCKDOWN! Stupidity Returns & Decision 2020

Apparently believing there is not enough panic in the country these days, those “control the population” governments are laying down new rules. Michigan and California lead the way. No, we don’t’ want to follow!

Politifact has chosen to five into politi-fantasy. The spin site has decided that the “thin blue line flag” is a symbol of White (I’m supposed to capitalize that, right?) supremacy. It’s nonsense like this that has led us failing our kids. If you don’t think we have just take a look at what Gen X and Zers are saying about how the country should run.

We have a few observations on this day before the election. Democrats are worried, the President is surging and a leading liberal wants peace after the election. But, what if the Electoral College is a tie? We’ll lay it out in our final hour today.

We’ll open that hour with our finial pre-election update from SOE Lori Scott. Polls are open 7am-7pm tomorrow. The voters that have not cast their ballots must do so in their local precincts, like we used to do when we voted on one day only. They’re a minority as over 60% of us have already voted.

Let’s get election week started!


Lockdown II- it’s baaaack!


In a Handbasket:

CA has orders for your Thanksgiving gathering



Politi-dumb! Thin Blue Line Flag analysis

We’ve failed our kids



WORTH THE READ- Brevard & State meddling by PACs

ALSO WORTH YOUR TIME- The Next Dragon Crew




What if the Electoral College is a tie?

Dems are worried

Trump taking lead in a key state

Maher- let there be peace on Earth…after Election Day

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