Media, Education & Debate Changes

Words matter. How we say the things we say conveys just what we are thinking or perhaps our intent to cause others to think a certain way. The media has powerful influence in America’s perception of the issues. Facts matter. How facts are presented matter as well. The AP is doing its part to soften the impression of what’s happening in our country today. That, my friends, is a problem.

Is it time to give up on colleges having actual value to our kids? IN A HANDBASKET will show us that colleges are no longer higher education but high priced daycare.

I’ll try and get to some of my debate impressions in hour two along with the suggestion from the Democrats that the debate structure change and the Commission on Presidential Debates actually considering.

In our final hour we’ll be joined by Florida Today’s John Torres. We’ll get his take on sad events in the art community in Brevard and another look at the Crosley Green case, a black life that hasn’t seemed to matter so far.


Media complicity in America’s problems


In a Handbasket:

It’s not college, it’s daycare



NFL has cases- how would your business handle THE RONA?

How censorship happens…and it is

CA lets trans inmates run the prisons

President: time to reform how we teach history



Torres: a black life that never seemed to matter



Rule changes for next debate?

Commission considering it

The Trump Biden Debate- well described

Affirming Dave- the debate changed no minds

Why Trump looks strong for November

Omar, others accused in voter fraud scheme

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