As we look at the country’s reaction to the coronavirus, hindsight being what it is, it becomes clear that a lack of planning led to expensive decisions that were nothing more than a hope and a prayer.On top of that, other decisions did not impact the spread or impact.
IN A HANDBASKET we look at the result of replacing cops with “not cops.”We’ll also peek at what Miami is reassigning cops to do, as if Miami has stopped having real crime.
Back to school is the issue of the week.The governor says schools need to reopen, but he’s open to more flexibility that it initially seemed.The director of the CDC says he’d absolutely send his kids back to school under current conditions.
Florida Today’s Dave Berman joins our conversation at 8am. We’ll look at the county and mask policies, reduced tax rates for the next budget year, economic development and more.
Overreacting to the virus was costly
Measures taken not impacting virus deaths
In a Handbasket:
DeSantis says schools need to reopen, admits flexibility is necessary
Chris Wallace on Trump interview and Biden’s lack of one
Defund cops, get what you might expect
Supreme Court stops FL felon voting…for now
Dave Berman: Commission reduces tax rates for next budget
Commissioners turn back Lober cash for masks proposal
West Melbourne joins mask mandates