Weather remains questionable for Saturday and/or Sunday’s attempts to launch the SpaceX Dragon Crew capsule from the cape.There is a launch scheduled for 3:22 tomorrow and Sunday is now the backup day.Currently weather is only 40% go for launch.Jim Banke and I will resume launch coverage at 3:06pm. You’ll hear Shooting Straight from 2-3pm and then get both hours of the show from 5pm-7pm Saturday evening.
IN A HANDBASKET we’ll take a look at information during the coronavirus pandemic.It seems the information keeps contradicting itself as “experts” say one thing followed by the opposite just weeks later.Now it comes out those masks are nothing more than symbolism.
The president issues his executive order on social media.It’s unclear what the impact will actually be.The media is often criticized and often justifiably.Florida Today’s Executive Editor Mara Bellaby has an example that should embarrass the critics that don’t do their homework.
While Minneapolis and other US cities burn, the MN governor has activated the National Guard to quell the riots there and a prosecutor says his job is to look at the evidence before reaching a changing decision.What a novel concept!
Here in Brevard with the exodus of the Emergency Operations Director, the sheriff wants to take the role into his agency.What do you think of that?
It’s a full plate on a Friday morning with space history being made this weekend…we hope!
Weather iffy for Crew Dragon weekend attempts
KSC Visitor Center reopens- sold out for launch
In a Handbasket:
New Today:
When the press’ critics go stupid
Minneapolis- no charging decision or rush to judgment
MN governor activates National Guard
Sheriff wants control of Emergency Operations
A local look at the Michael Flynn case
Return to Manned Spaceflight:
Launch viewing?Here’s the traffic plan
SpaceX postpones Starlink- manned flight is next 5/27
Astronauts here, launch less than a week away
Meet the astronauts launching from here next week
Other things in play:
State has picture of revenue impact of THE RONA
Florida Tech under federal investigation
Judge opens door to felons voting w/o completing sentence
Virgin Trains to close crossing for 2 years