Friends and Family- not a cell plan

It’s happened for me since I was 38 years old.I was that old when I lost a close friend.He was ten years older, we had served as police officers together and his heart just gave out.Oh, I had lost other people in the past, but those were either more anticipated or a shocking accident where someone was taken all too young.And while my 48 year old former partner died unexpectedly, he was the first of my peer group I would see go.I was around 50 when it happened again.Another partner was stricken with cancer and passed way.He was just a few years older than I was at the time.

Just last month it happened to a girl I had known all my life.We attended school together and saw each other every day at the swimming pool in our hometown.We were in the band together from seventh grade forward.She married a friend of mine who was in our high school peer group.She was the first of our close circle to graduate from this life.I’m sure it will continue, and likely at an accelerated pace, as we all age.It’s a stage of life I had not anticipated, although I had always known it was ahead.

It’s made me think.I am fortunate to have those friends that I have known since I could understand what a friend was.I’ll see them again in November when I travel to West Virginia for Thanksgiving.It’s a tradition I will cherish with even more appreciation now.These are people with whom I have laughed and cried, cheered and jeered and just all around shared life.They have meant more to me that I can adequately explain.And while they are more than 800 miles away, I know if I needed them they’d be there.They already have been.

Our shared experiences made us the people we are and the people we are care about each other as if we are family.I suppose when it comes down to it…we are family.I am lucky to have them in my life.I don’t want to see any of them go, yet go we all will.

As my buddy Dave Bowman says in the close to his podcasts- tell the people in your life you love them, that you’d miss them if they were gone.You don’t want to have that regret.

Dave’s right.Take his advice.I plan to.


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