We saw this a few months ago: a Ford dealer in the South decided to give away guns with a purchase of a Ford.Another dealer is trying it and he’s about to hear from Ford.
The NFL has allowed continual player protests and issue advocacy.As if stealing Sunday from the church wasn’t enough, now they wanted to fine a player for wearing a “man of God’ headband UNDER his helmet.The NFL has reconsidered.
The NBA may have bigger problems: the professional basketball folks are in trouble with China, a place they should have never gone in the first place!
Ellen, my new choice for Democratic nominee for the presidency, has drawn support and ire in Hollywood.Some people, Ellen, just can’t be kind.
Speaking of, one local Republican has a reaction piece to Brevard Democratic Committee Chair Stacey Patel’s recent take on “civility.”
In a story we won’t get to, the Tallahassee prostitution tour is on.
That relief day if you have court fees hanging over your head is coming up Saturday, the details are linked in the story below.
Ford dealer about to get a message from Ford
NFL eats fine for “mad of God” headband
The NBA has a bigger problem-China…or Philadelphia
Ellen gets thumbs down/up from Hollywood
Republican answer to Dem editorial
Legislator meddling where the state has no business
Tallahassee prostitution in full swing
Overdue court fees?Relief day is Saturday
Orlando Commissioner mad firefighter is back to work
Can the legislature mandate teacher pay raises?
Pence teaching a political lesson
Sebastian Inlet bridge “structurally deficient”
Unqualified firm worked collapsed Miami bridge
Lawsuit filed over greyhound racing ban