Space Coast Young Republicans “Stand for Life”

Space Coast Young Republicans “Stand for Life” in Next Event

Brevard County Commissioner Bryan Lober to headline a collection of speakers

Rockledge— April 8, 2019— Set for the day after Earth Day, the Space Coast Young Republicans’ “Stand for Life” event plans to tackle the significant cultural and political issue of life. As the national conversation on abortion intensifies and our community grapples with the question of how best to provide children’s services for families struggling in Brevard, the Young Republicans aim to share perspectives on what it truly means to be pro-life. Regarding the event, club President, Eric Hoppenbrouwer said,

“We hope to show that being pro-life is not just about preserving life in the womb but also coming together as a community to care for children beyond birth and the families struggling within our community.”

The event features a lineup of three exceptional speakers focusing on topics including the reasons behind a County Commission vote to abolish the CSC, foster care, adoption and the pro-life movement. Additionally, attendees will be able to browse tables and talk to representatives from local, nonprofit organizations providing services to children and families. The Space Coast Young Republicans aspire to encourage our community to come learn how to stand for life at all stages of development.

Event Information

              Date: April 23, 2019

              Time: 6:30pm – 8:00pm

              Location: Knights’ Hall – 3435 S. Fiske Blvd, Rockledge, FL 32955

              Speakers: Bryan Lober – Brevard County Commissioner, District 2

Bonnie Ferguson – Foster & Adoptive mom, Foster Florida Chapter Advocate

Jim Campbell – Lead Pastor of Bay West Church, Pro-Life Advocate

Organizations: Genesis House, Inc., Women’s Center, Agape Pregnancy Center, Foster Florida, and Children’s Advocacy Center of Brevard.

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