Merry Christmas!

It’s been a tough and strange 2018.  From school shootings and legislative reaction that continued into this week, a vicious election season and contention in Washington, DC to the individual family struggles we all face, 2018 has been a year of ups, downs and dealing with whatever comes our way.

As the year comes to a close let’s all take a moment to consider the blessings of 2018 that came in spite of the rough spots.  The family and friends around us are the most important of these as they form that support structure we all need from time to time.  They also provide some of our greatest joys.  Whether it’s parents, siblings, children or grandkids those bright spots make the year better no matter what the world throws at us.

Then there are coworkers, the job itself and the environment that absorbs much of our waking hours.  Those relationships are important, too.  Often those places and people see us more than our families do.  We are there as part of a team to accomplish the goals of our employer.  While tensions are naturally part of that; having a good team around you makes all the difference in the world.  Just ask Wingnut, he’s our production director and primetime DJ on KISS 95.1.  I watched this dedicated young man overwhelmed with joy when he was announced as our Employee of the Year at this year’s holiday dinner.  The honor was well deserved and sincerely appreciated.  It was like he’d won an Oscar or a Tony when his name was called.  His hard work paid off in appreciation and public acknowledgement.  Sadly, the award did not include a Caribbean cruise or vacation, but it should have.

We have a lot of deserving people for such an award in our organization.  You’ve heard from several of them on WMMB in 2018.  Jorge Medina, my assistant Program Director and Producer of BML is one such guy.  Jorge’s role expanded this year as he now delivers Mick’s Morning News in the first hour of the show every day and then took on the responsibility for launch coverage after Jim Banke’s retirement.  And then some genius decided a podcast in the form of the BML Aftershow Show was a good idea and Jorge was pulled into a bigger participant role than he imagined when he came to work here.  

Ray Guerrero, whom you’ve heard covering for Jorge’s vacation this week, is another.  Producing BML is not an easy task, especially when you only do it occasionally.  Ty Estus and Brice Wilkerson also fall into that category.  They’ve both backed up Jorge when he’s been out.  These guys have all stepped up and took part in the Aftershow Show in addition to producing the show, the web poll, daily promotions and Facebook LIVE video while adding their creativity to our efforts.  All Three of these men also work for all three of our iHeart Radio stations in the building.  We could not make it happen without them.

There is also Royce Bartlett, host of Shooting Straight, who takes on the immense task of filling in for me during much of my time off.  Unless you’ve done it, it’s hard to imagine the time it takes to be ready to talk for three hours a day.  To do it with an eye toward a radio clock, that is nothing if not unforgiving, is a testament to the skills Royce has developed through the years of his own show.  He’s a good friend and an excellent radio host.

So, as you enter this Christmas weekend and then march toward the New Year, think of those folks around you who make the year a little brighter and better for us all.

Merry Christmas!

NEXT WEEK; Bill’s wishes for 2019

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