Can the vegetarian/vegan crowd get any more ridiculous than they are already? You bet they can…we begin our day there! And while we said the other day that schools don’t have canvassing boards to review student test marks on scanned answer sheets…maybe they do. Sadly they seem to be modeled after Broward County’s elections office.
The Volusia County Council doesn’t believe in the citizen vote (except maybe the ones that elected them) as they will fight Amendment 10. Sheriff Mike Chitwood is fighting for his office and the votes of Volusia County.
Palm Bay is diving ever further into namelessness with their new interim deputy city manager. Sadly, he Who Shall Not Be Named is the most tenured of the senior city staff. In reality, it could be the best move the hapless interim city manager could have made.
Sheriff Wayne Ivey joins us in our 8am hour. It’s been a while since the sheriff has been with us. We’ll have lots to catch up on including holiday safety tips and talking tactics, K9’s, cops and kids.
Royce Bartlett takes the big chair tomorrow on BML. I’ll be taking a vacation day and catching up on holiday shopping…and decorating…and cleaning...well, you get it.
In today’s 30th BML Aftershow Show Jorge and I will talk Dangerous Jobs, a suspended NFL referee and those racist VeggieTales!
PETA going PC over common idioms
Maybe schools DO have canvassing boards
Votes don’t matter in Volusia?
He Who Shall Not Be Named Renamed Interim Deputy City Manager for PB