The Week's MICKnuggets: 08.13-17.18

08.13.18- Publix-SERIOUSLY?

You have got to be kidding me!

Publix, what’s wrong with you?

My youngest and his wife are having a baby girl at the end of the month. My son’s mom held a baby shower for them (when did dads get included in this female tradition anyway?) and she bought a cake for the party at Publix, where shopping used to be a pleasure.

Shopping is now a pain at Publix where their cake decorator refused to decorate said cake with the baby’s last name!

That’s right, MICK was banned from the decoration because it is considered offensive to the Irish...either that or the Infantini, Tobia, Fine, Brodeuuuurrr cabal has infiltrated the Publix bakery.

Thanks to Publix our beautiful bundle of joy is 1/3 nameless...all in the name of political correctness, no matter what correct actually is!

Maybe if I go lay down in the aisle in front of the bakery as a protest we can see things change. It’s worked before!



08.14.18- The Publix Legacy

George Jenkins, the founder of Publix, got it.  The question becomes: is his legacy being lost?

My sister in WV had a lesson from Publix yesterday.  She knows of the family name fiasco here in Brevard, and coincidentally, had a former Publix employee speaking to her daughter’s Christian school orientation.

The now pastor was talking about having worked at Publix recalling a Jenkins quote that stands true today:

Right is right, no matter if nobody is doing it.  Wring is wrong, no matter if everybody is doing it.

Jenkins knew and understood people.

I’m sure the family and core of that company would like to see that legacy stand.

While on one hand, the idea of a name banned from cake decoration seems minor, it’s how the customer was treated and insulted by the decision that was lost in the equation.  That is not the legacy Jenkins would have wanted for his stores, for his people, for all people.

Look back, Publix, it’ll take you forward.


08.15.18- She’s Gone

In one of the most bizarre political seasons we have seen in my time in Florida, this may be the strangest story of all.

A candidate for the Florida House of Representatives has dropped out of the District 73 race because she lied about having a degree from Miami University of Ohio.

Oh, Melissa Howard attended the school, but she failed to graduate.  When called on this, she called the reporters liars and went as far to travel to Ohio, used or created a fake diploma to try and show she had a degree. 

When that was refuted by the university, Howard admitted the deception but stated she was staying in the race.  It took a day for the blowback to push her out.

How about this?  How about you candidates and political players begin from a position of integrity and stay there! 

We are seeing way too much of the opposite across the state and here in Brevard!



08.16.18- Mick’s Picks

It happened the first year I was in talk radio.  People wanted to know how I was voting in election season. It started then and continues through this day.

And on this day, MICK’S PICK’S are out in our INSIDER COLUMN.  Last week’s column talked about my decision process.  This week’s is the result of that process- how I am voting in the Primary Election.

If you aren’t an INSIDER at, you can see the column posted there Friday mornings at 7am.

I am often asked why I supported this candidate or that one…I answer that with these columns.

Early voting runs from August 18-25.  Mail balloting is ongoing and Election Day is the 28th.

Like my picks or not, you have a choice and voting is easier than ever.  Cast your vote, have your say or sit down and let the adults settle the issues. 

It’s that simple.  And now you know what I think and why.  The rest is up to you.



08.17.18- Character Matters

In what has been the worst campaign season of my time in Brevard we are down to the final weeks.  I am very glad of that.

I am tired of seeing the bad acts, bad ads and stupid ideas that campaigns and their supporters have floated at us.

Early voting runs Saturday to Saturday, mail balloting continues and Election Day is the 28th. 

Lies and deception, misrepresentation and innuendo have become the way of state and local campaigns. It shows a severe lack of respect for voters. 

Maybe in many cases it’s earned, for if we believe the lies, or even know they are lies and still support the liars, we are giving pass to the bad practices.

People’s record and how they conduct themselves and their campaigns matter.  A sitting official running for another office having unpaid taxes after telling lies should run us all off.  Will it?  I can only hope.

If we don’t control this, THEY will control us.

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