We talked last week about the search for political heretics in our society.  Don’t agree with the prevailing thought (or what some believe to be the prevailing thought, anyway) and you are to be removed from your job and relegated to the ash help of political dissenters.  Apparently it doesn’t stop with your job! Get this…

Last week alone we became aware of these stories:

White House Spokesman Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi and a pair of Texas Deputy Sheriffs were all either refused service, ousted from the venue they were patronizing or heckled while dining just because of whom they are and what they represent.

Oh, yes, the Inquisition is in full swing, only this time it’s not about religious heresy, but political differences of opinion.  

Sanders and her family were in Lexington, VA at the Red Hen restaurant.  After offering initial service, the staff contacted the owner to advise her that the Trump staffer was in the establishment.  The owner is anti-Trump and went to the restaurant to personally handle things.  After conferring with staff (she let them vote) the owner asked the Sanders party to leave the restaurant.  They did.  Who (besides a gay couple needing a wedding cake) would want to stay and spend money at an establishment that didn’t want your business?  I hope the Sanders party went to The Palms in Lexington.  It was a favorite of crews that umpired VMI baseball and they have an amazing BBQ cheeseburger!

Secretary of Homeland Security Nielsen was heckled at a Mexican restaurant during the furor over the border/child separation had boiled over to extremes.  That was the issue that caused the Pam Bondi situation when she went to see the movie about Mr. Rogers, who most certainly would not have heckled our Attorney General even if she had stepped on his toes and spat in his face.  She did nothing of the kind; she’s just a known supporter of President Trump.

As for the Texas Deputy Sheriffs, they tried to order lunch at a Burger King window and were treated rudely and ultimately not served.  Not that you would want the food that came out of Burger King after the employees taunted you and clearly did not want to serve you.  The franchise owner disputed the officers’ account that landed in the local newspaper and demanded an apology saying the officers lied and that the employees (that were fired by the way) had only refused service to customers who happened to be policemen.   Like there is a difference?

Just so we are straight here, let’s lay out the rules in order that the Inquisition not ensnare you in the social trap!

Thou shalt not:

Work for President Trump

Support President Trump

Work in Law Enforcement

Believe in the rule of law

Believe in LEGAL immigration

Believe ILLEGAL immigrants are actually doing something illegal

Believe that the Constitution as written is adequate to address speech, assembly, religious, firearms or other issues that it espouses

Assert your rights as outlined in the constitution if it offends people of another persuasion be it political, religious or social

Have the common sense to not allow traumatized students whose school was the location of a mass killing to make firearms policy when they should be in treatment for emotional trauma

Or act upon or support any number of other people or issues that may offend someone, anyone, on the left at any time…

Oh, and the list will be amended at any time any such person decides to be thusly offended and without prior notice to the offender!

Yes, my friends, the Inquisition is on and it ain’t over yet!

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